The viewpoint's of two students on Uni life, our student antics and heck, just life in general.

Monday, October 25, 2004

I was thinking....

It was late last night, I was tired and, as I sometimes do began to think. Usually its about things I've seen, like plumb line, or plumber which I guessed came for the Latin for lead, Plum bum (don't know how its spelt so that is phonetic anyway).

But yeah I was thinking; Surely we don't have enough oddly named pets. (an idea I explored with Katie Bhasvic on MSN). I think maybe we could have something like "Dog" or "Rover" for a cat, or maybe give them titles like "Professor" in some random field. Then I thought instead of calling a pet the name of another species of animal, maybe we could call them after house hold items, like "Tin opener" (the dog) or "Duvet" (the hamster) or how about calling something "15x10 to the power of 9"?

I mean people name their animals after famous people, couldn't I have a Guinea pig named "Lenin" or maybe have two and call the other "Marx"

It was late okay......

(If anybody does have any inventive or interesting names for their pets post them in the comments below.(Katie I'm looking at you))


Saturday, October 16, 2004

Always Means Fun: Meter reading?

For those of you who are familiar with the AMF bowling alley's take a look at the logo on the white plate in the picture below....

It is actually the AMF bowling logo on an electric meter in some retirement flats!? Not sure what or why it has the logo on the meter but it actually is the bowling logo. You can see by clicking on the title of this post..... strange....


Monday, October 11, 2004

Breaking News:

Sunday Mirror 10.10.04

Yes it actually is true! My dad found this ad in the paper at work and brought it home lol. It is really advertising the channel "Animal Planet" on Sky and apparently is one in a series of other ad's. So now you know.... Vote Chimp!


Sunday, October 10, 2004

It had to be done really.....

I came home after a long hard day at that crazy place I call work, and decided that my name badge could, perhaps be better than it was. So I thought I might as well change it to Chimp.....

Not sure how it would go down with the boss....


Wednesday, October 06, 2004

One Week:

It has now been one week since Dom first set-up the blog and posted the very first post. In fact it has been one week since we came up with the idea. We have had 7 posts and 70 visitors already, not bad when considering the small few people that we have told about this blog over the week!

Keep popping back. Every few days there will be new reviews, stories, comedy, moans, rants, raves, trips and general random craziness that you will come to know and love.

Check out the links (new links added!), Sign the Guestmap, Post some comments and most of all we hope you enjoy our blog!

Thanks for visiting!
See you soon.


Monday, October 04, 2004

The Dogs Frolics?

Its one of those things you would have had to seen to have believed. Thank God for camera phones ay?

Its a wonderful play on words that Dom and I spotted on the way back up to collge one day. Now I know where to send my dog. Well if I had one at least....


Protest: 1 of 5

The Date: 29.9.04. - The Day: Wednesday. - The Place: Brighton Seafront – The Event: Labour Party Conference.

Coming back up from Brighton with Regine, Laura and Pete, I walked into Dom, (well obviously not literally) after we had dragged ourselves back up the hill. Dom suggested we head back to Churchill Square and after a little persuasion I agreed. After reaching The Square, Dom suggested we walk down to the seafront and see what was going on down there.I have to admit his idea was a slice of fried gold.

We wandered down towards the seafront and were instantly confronted with a barrage of protesters and a plethora of freebies were thrust at us.

After a quick look round, Dom and I crossed the traffic-less road and looked over the rails along the beach (which was surprisingly empty) and that’s when things got interesting…
We spotted a camera crew, presenter and MP, perhaps from BBC Parliament. Seeing as they were filming we decided we would walk down the steps behind them and try to appear on screen. So we walked down and were loitering around in the background...then we thought maybe it might be an idea to be on film some more so we stood behind them on the beach, behind the camera and live broadcast. After this there was no stopping us, as we ran round through protesters. We got in on around 7 photo and camera shots, but alas the closest we got to fame was my right arm and Dom’s bag on the Meridian News.

Protest: 2 of 5

This was the first of the Photo shoots, with a guy sporting boxers, a novelty bum and a rubber mask of Tony. Unfortunately it didn’t make the papers… If it had, we would have been in many a photo.

Protest: 3 of 5

However it wasn’t over. Another great idea from Dom saw us heading back up onto the upper promenade in time for an Anti War demonstration, coming at us from Hove. I knelt down and began to snap some pics, until they were literally right on top of us and I had to move or be trampled. This is how close they got:

Protest: 4 of 5

After running through the protests and trying to get on as many cameras as is humanly possible, we paused outside the Brighton Centre for a bit of Anti War chanting, a sea of protesters was greeted from the centre by a wave of photographers at the top…
However for me the two best things about the protest were the most random. Firstly, walking back from the protest, we overheard a northern sounding reporter on the phone, the conversation went a little bit like this “ Yeah I’m alright. Except for the fact I drove for five and a half F******* hours for a protest that lasted 20 F****** minutes. A comment that definitely deserved to be on tourette-ical moments, if nothing else.

There was a massive Police presence in Brighton during the week, with at least three officers on each street corner, towards the conference centre and Dyke Road was constantly patrolled. and on the front their seemed to be more police than protestors!”

Protest: 5 of 5

However the true star of the hour came in the form of a Met PC. I was photographing the conference centre, when one officer said “You could have got a bigger camera” gesturing at my phone. Then he turned to Regine and said; “Boys and their toys ay?” I couldn’t help but laugh and said, “I have got to take your picture as well now” to which to my surprise he said “go on then” so I did! He even put on a cheesy grin and posed lol. I showed him the picture and proclaimed him a “legend” before asking him his name, he pulled “Fred” out of the air and so Fred, this is for you mate:

Fred you are a Legend.
( His colleagues weren’t too happy though )

So concludes our conference media dashing, protest bashing, camera cashing spree, check out the news article on the first post title for the story according to “the Argus.” you can also click on a picture to enlarge it....
