I was thinking....
It was late last night, I was tired and, as I sometimes do began to think. Usually its about things I've seen, like plumb line, or plumber which I guessed came for the Latin for lead, Plum bum (don't know how its spelt so that is phonetic anyway).
But yeah I was thinking; Surely we don't have enough oddly named pets. (an idea I explored with Katie Bhasvic on MSN). I think maybe we could have something like "Dog" or "Rover" for a cat, or maybe give them titles like "Professor" in some random field. Then I thought instead of calling a pet the name of another species of animal, maybe we could call them after house hold items, like "Tin opener" (the dog) or "Duvet" (the hamster) or how about calling something "15x10 to the power of 9"?
I mean people name their animals after famous people, couldn't I have a Guinea pig named "Lenin" or maybe have two and call the other "Marx"
It was late okay......
(If anybody does have any inventive or interesting names for their pets post them in the comments below.(Katie I'm looking at you))